Autumn Joy

This is how I am able to help you… I helped myself first. A few years ago, my desire was to learn all I could about my true self and if it was really possible to heal mentally, emotionally, and physically from “within”. I was exhausted from being sick with old traumas and heavy emotional baggage. I really wanted to heal and to understand MY individual purpose on this Earth.


I followed one rabbit hole after another of magnificent concepts, ideas, healing methods and science. Eventually, my path brought me to learn of quantum hypnosis- which I instantly fell in love with because of my incredible personal results. I found I can tap WITHIN, via hypnosis, for divine connections, answers, new perspectives, and even for emotional and physical healing. Best of all, I got to know and understand ME, and my unique purpose in life.

It feels SO delicious and joyous, I want to help others discover all this within themselves, too.

After studies, certifications, and many hours of practicing several hypnosis and healing techniques, I created a private practice to implement it all to guide my clients.

The transformational results I see, as I work with my clients, is truly magnificent and inspires me to keep going.When I think on it, all this came forth because of my own desire for growth and healing. Now I have the honor, and privilege, to guide others along their journey. Everyday feels like I live MY purpose, as I help others.

I work intimately and lovingly with people to bring light to all dark corners, whether it be the mind, heart or spirit. I treat each person that comes into my space with respect and care.

I am dedicated to helping people have a beautiful, life-changing journey.

-Autumn Joy, CHt

Certified : Reiki I & II

  • Life Between Lives (LBL)

  • Spiritual Journeys

  • Temple of Divinity Technique

  • Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)

  • Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

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